Check out this article from Muscle and Fitness

This article makes me proud, as a woman, but it never does assert why women belong in the weight room.  Quite frankly, it shouldn't have to as it shouldn't even be a question, but...  

I'm not in competition to be able to do all that a man can do.  When I was young I was.  As a woman, I aspire to live free of limitations so that I can pursue anything I desire to pursue without being told it is inaccessible for nothing other than an immutable fact.  If I desire it, if I am capable of it, if I work to achieve it, it should be accessible to me because I earned it.

- Since you asked.  And because, what's cuter than a fit couple in the weight room?

All sass aside, I'm proud that more women are taking on resistance training, Olympic lifting and CrossFit rather than shying away from developing their strength to fit into a mould of what a woman 'should' be.  I'm proud that women and men are supporting them/us in that endeavor and that women are motivated by seeing other women in positions of strength in fitness and otherwise.

I know each woman's 'why' is uniquely her own.  I just think it's important to put the focus on merit over gender roles.  Do the work, perform and you'll make it where you're going.  
